Plate tectonic cross word puzzle

  1. 5. tectonics The name both of a theory and of a specialization of tectonics
  2. 6. The upper layer of Earth's interior
  3. 7. A tectonic process thatresults when plates converge and one plate forces the other down into Earth's mantle
  4. 8. A form of stress produced by the action of equal and opposite forces
  5. 10. A split between two bodies (for example, two plates) that once were joined
  6. 11. ridges Sub marine mountain ridges where new seafloor is created by seafloor spreading
  7. 14. The center of Earth, an area constituting about 16% of the planet's volume and 32% of its mass
  8. 15. The thick, dense layer of rock, approximately 1,429 mi
  9. 16. trench A deep depression in the ocean floor caused by the convergence of plates and the resulting subduction of one plate
  10. 18. An area of fracturing between rocks resulting from stress
  11. 19. Large movable segments of the lithosphere
  1. 1. drift The theory that the configuration of Earth's continents was once different than it is today
  2. 2. The theory that the configuration of Earth's continents was once different than it is today
  3. 3. A region of extremely high pressure underlying the lithosphere, where rocks are deformed by enormous stresses
  4. 4. spreading The theory that seafloors crack open along thecrests of mid-ocean ridges and that new seafloor forms in those areas
  5. 9. valley A long trough bounded by two or more faults
  6. 12. A tectonic process whereby plates move away from each other
  7. 13. margins Boundaries between plates
  8. 17. The uppermost division of the solid earth, representing less than 1% of its volume and varying in depth from 3-37 mi
  9. 18. An area of rock that has been bent by stress