Plate Tectonic

  1. 1. What we live on
  2. 5. Inside volcanoes
  3. 7. A wave that travels through the inner earth
  4. 8. An area in the middle of a lithospheric plate.
  5. 9. A theory created by Alfred Wegener.
  6. 12. Formed from melted rock that has cooled.
  7. 13. Earthquake following larger earthquake
  8. 15. Measure of strength of earthquake.
  9. 16. A large, hollow mountain that contains lava
  10. 17. A danger or risk.
  11. 18. A measure of the effects of an earthquake at a particular place on humans, structures and the land.
  12. 19. Thin outer layer of earths surface
  1. 1. A natural disaster when the ground shakes
  2. 2. What we walk on
  3. 3. The types of plates that cause natural disasters
  4. 4. Tectonic ______
  5. 6. Week point in the earths crust.
  6. 10. Disasters caused by mother nature and mostly tectonic plates.
  7. 11. The inner layers of the earth
  8. 14. Lava Fragments