Plate Tectonics

  1. 4. Plate boundary in which plates rub against each other
  2. 5. The point in the crust where a seismic rupture begins
  3. 7. A chain of mountains caused by convergent boundaries
  4. 8. The movement of the Earth's crust
  5. 10. Soil, sand and dirt are all s________
  6. 14. Large waves in the water, often caused by underwater earthquakes
  7. 15. Molten rock on the surface of Earth
  8. 17. The outermost layer of the earth
  9. 21. The study of the Earth
  10. 23. A sudden intense shaking of the Earth's surface caused by transform boundaries
  11. 24. A plate thinner than a continental plate
  12. 28. A structure formed by convergent plate boundaries
  13. 29. A scientist that formulated the theory of plate tectonics
  14. 30. Molten rock under the surface of Earth
  15. 31. The liquid layer of the earth
  16. 32. Contain convection currents
  17. 34. Waves that move through rocks and fluids
  18. 35. An opening in the Earth's crust allowing magma to escape
  19. 37. Creation of rotation in a liquid caused by rapid heating and cooling
  20. 39. The world's greatest earthquake belt
  21. 40. Quartz, marble and slate are all m_________
  1. 1. A tectonic plate _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  2. 2. The rigid outer part of the earth made of the crust and upper mantle
  3. 3. Plate boundary in which plates merge
  4. 6. Plate boundary in which plates separate
  5. 9. The study of earthquakes
  6. 11. Scale to measure the intensity of earthquakes
  7. 12. Numerical scale to express the magnitude of an earthquake
  8. 13. A reservoir of magma under a volcano
  9. 16. A plate that makes up the Earth's lithosphere
  10. 18. When one plate moves under another and is forced to sink
  11. 19. Granite,obsidian and basalt are all i_____
  12. 20. The upper layer of the mantle under the lithosphere
  13. 22. Long narrow chasms on the sea floor
  14. 25. Hottest part of the earth made of solid nickel and iron
  15. 26. Theory that the continents were all once united as one super continent
  16. 27. Vibrations that only move along the surface of Earth
  17. 33. Instruments used to record the motion of the ground during an earthquake
  18. 36. Vibrations that travel through the earth's inner layers
  19. 38. How three basic rock types relate to each other