Plate Tectonics

  1. 6. __ is the theory that Earth's outer crust has several plates that glide over the upper mantle (no space between the two words).
  2. 7. When two oceanic plates spread apart at a _ boundary, magma creates new crust to form a mid-ocean ridge.
  3. 8. The layer of the Earth in which convection currents occur.
  4. 9. _ rocks are found closer to ocean ridges, and old rocks are further away.
  5. 10. When plates collide, the more _ plate subducts under the less dense plate.
  1. 1. _ can create islands.
  2. 2. A __ is formed when two continental plates diverge (no space between the two words).
  3. 3. _ is when a more dense plate "dives" below a less dense plate.
  4. 4. Which plate boundary are mountains & ocean trenches most likely to form?
  5. 5. __ are landforms that can be created from transform boundaries (no space between the two words).