Plate Tectonics

  1. 5. covers the earth surface
  2. 8. Something formed from two plates converging.
  3. 9. A event that happens when two plates Collide, transform, or diverge.
  4. 10. This layer is the second hottest layer.
  5. 11. This layer is made up of the crust and the mantle
  6. 13. Two plates spreading apart
  7. 15. The biggest layer of earth
  8. 18. A supercontinent
  9. 19. A person who studies rocks
  10. 20. Hot substance that comes out of a volcano.
  1. 1. The innermost layer of the earth.
  2. 2. A thing that you eat on
  3. 3. what happens in the mantle
  4. 4. A German scientist who came up with the idea of plate Techtonics.
  5. 6. two plates colliding
  6. 7. Two plates that slide against each other.
  7. 12. The most common event during a diverging plate.
  8. 14. There are 7 of them that make up the world
  9. 16. Something that measures earthquakes.
  10. 17. How gas and liquid inside the core