Plate Tectonics

  1. 6. Is the line created by the intersection between any planar surface
  2. 7. A sudden and violent shaking of the ground
  3. 10. Are faults that havent had a record but may still generate an earthquake
  4. 12. A slow type of fault movement
  5. 13. Are faults that may continue to cause earthquakes
  6. 14. A series of associated faults spread over an area
  7. 15. The force applied to rocks
  1. 1. When shearing and compression or tension combine
  2. 2. Is formed when rocks are compressed
  3. 3. May be a normal or reverse fault
  4. 4. They are forced to move in parallel but opposite direction
  5. 5. It slips in the direction of the strike
  6. 8. Long, narrow, and steep sided on ocean floors
  7. 9. A fracture or break in Earth's crust
  8. 11. Forms an angle of dip that is less than 45°