Plate Tectonics

  1. 8. A gap between two plates on the seafloor at a divergent boundary
  2. 9. The outermost layer of Earth
  3. 10. Plate that makes up the seafloor
  4. 11. A feature formed at a subduction zone
  5. 12. A type of boundary commonly associated with faults
  6. 13. The name of the supercontinent theorized by Alfred Wegner
  7. 14. The scientist who created the theory of continental drift
  1. 1. The theory that the continents were one supercontinent that drifted apart
  2. 2. A seafloor feature, divided into "black smokers" and "white smokers"
  3. 3. The revised version of Wegner's theory
  4. 4. Plate that makes up the continents
  5. 5. The type of boundary responsible for seafloor spreading
  6. 6. The process that creates new seafloor
  7. 7. A type of boundary where two plates move towards each other