Plate Tectonics

  1. 5. the engine that moves the plates and transfers energy in the mantle
  2. 7. a geological landmark that is created at divergent boundaries
  3. 9. the super-continent that was believed to be all of the continents connected together that eventually drifted away from each other
  4. 10. the scientist that came up with the theory that the continents moved
  5. 11. the scientist that figured out how the continents move
  1. 1. two tectonic plates moving away from each other
  2. 2. two tectonic plates sliding past each other
  3. 3. two tectonic plates pushing against each other
  4. 4. plate tectonic boundaries where two plates converge, and one plate is pushed under the other
  5. 6. famous mountains created by a convergent boundary
  6. 8. molten rock