Plate Tectonics

  1. 6. the layer of soft, solid rock underneath Earth's plates.
  2. 9. an object, diagram, or computer program that helps us understand by making it simpler or easier to see
  3. 11. hot liquid rock on the surface of earth
  4. 13. moving towards the same place
  5. 16. an underwater mountain formed when two plate's move apart
  6. 18. something we observe to be similar over and over again.
  7. 19. moving apart in different directions
  1. 1. evidence of life from the past, such as fossilized bones, footprints or leaf prints
  2. 2. the slow pulling apart of land that is caused by plate movement.
  3. 3. Activity any of the many processes (such as eruptions and lava flows) in which gas, and lava and ash are pushed out on the surface of Earth
  4. 4. Section- a diagram that shows what the inside of something looks like.
  5. 5. one of the very large sections of hard, solid rock that make up Earth's outer layer
  6. 7. - to examine in detail for a purpose
  7. 8. A set of interacting parts forming a complex whole.
  8. 10. the sudden pushing out of something such as lava from a volcano
  9. 12. a natural spring that sends hot water and steam suddenly into the air from a hole into the ground.
  10. 14. how often or fast something happens
  11. 15. layer Earth's outermost layer of hard, solid rock that is underneath the soil vegetation, and water
  12. 17. hot liquid rock below the surface of Earth
  13. 20. a long deep indentation in the ocean floor when two plate moves together