Plate Tectonics

  1. 5. Earth's longest mountain range
  2. 9. Causes convection currents
  3. 13. Type of boundary where plates move apart
  4. 14. Plates are moved by convection currents
  5. 15. Deepest part of the ocean
  6. 17. Causes seafloor spreading
  7. 19. Discovered seafloor spreading
  8. 20. Type of boundary where plates move together
  1. 1. evidence in rock layers across continents
  2. 2. Was initially rejected due to lack of evidence
  3. 3. Giant landmass from 250 million years ago
  4. 4. Can form at convergent or divergent boundaries
  5. 6. Theory Earth used to be one landmass called Pangaea
  6. 7. Lithosphere is ___ plates
  7. 8. Earth's core is comprised of
  8. 10. Comprised of crust and upper mantle
  9. 11. A less dense plate gets pushed under another plate
  10. 12. Type of boundary where plates slide past each other
  11. 16. Wegener compared them from continent to continent
  12. 18. Created Continental Drift Theory