Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. What causes the plates to move?
  2. 4. What was found on different sides of the world (evidence of plate tectonics).
  3. 7. Earth's plates are constantly...
  4. 9. What do subduction zones create (think deep)
  5. 11. What is another type of plate?
  6. 13. Where is the Earth does convection occur?
  7. 15. What forms when an oceanic plate meets another oceanic plate?
  8. 16. What type of boundary causes subduction?
  1. 1. What type of plate boundary occurs when two plates go away from each other?
  2. 3. What type of plate boundary occurs when two plates move towards each other?
  3. 5. What happens when an oceanic plate meets a continental plate?
  4. 6. What forms when a continental plate meets another continental plate?
  5. 8. What type of plate boundary occurs when two plates slide past each other
  6. 10. What happens at Transform boundaries?
  7. 12. What is one type of plate?
  8. 14. What was the supercontinent formed millions of years ago called