plate tectonics

  1. 2. What is the crust of the upper mantle?
  2. 5. How does magma turn into igneous rock?
  3. 6. What plate goes under the other.
  4. 8. What boundary occurs when two plates pull apart.
  5. 10. What shows up in extrusive and instrusive igneous rock to tell them apart?
  6. 12. What can transform boundaries make other than earthquakes?
  7. 14. What cools that turns into igneous rock?
  8. 15. Where do convection currents occur?
  9. 16. What happens when the ground shakes?
  10. 17. How does igneous rock turn into sediments?
  1. 1. What occurs when hot rock moves in circular motions, hot rock going up and cold rock down?
  2. 3. What forms when two continental plates collide?
  3. 4. What plate boundary is it when a sudbuction zone occurs?
  4. 7. What boundary occurs when 2 plates move next to eachother?
  5. 9. What do divergent boundaries cause other than ridges?
  6. 11. What do divergent boundries form?
  7. 13. What do sediments go through to get to sedimentary rock?