Plate Tectonics

  1. 1. A zone where one plate moves under another plate.
  2. 4. Places of permanent convection. Volcanoes move in chains.
  3. 11. A type of fault when the break in the crust is due to compression built up at a convergent boundary.
  4. 12. A piece of lithosphere that slides slowly over the asthenosphere.
  5. 13. The tectonic plate that is more dense and thinner.
  6. 14. A deep valley in the ocean caused by convergent boundary plate movement.
  1. 1. A type of fault when the break in the crust is due to shearing built up at a transform boundary.
  2. 2. A boundary where two plates come (move) together.
  3. 3. What happens when plates move by sliding past each other and the rock slabs rub against each other.
  4. 5. A super continent made of all the current continents together 225 million years ago.
  5. 6. A boundary where two plates move along side each other.
  6. 7. A type of fault when the break in the crust is due to tension built up at a divergent boundary.
  7. 8. A boundary where two plates move away from each other.
  8. 9. A landform with magma inside that erupts and is pushed out of an opening and magma becomes lava.
  9. 10. The tectonic plate that is less dense and thicker.