Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. What forms from subduction zones at convergent boundaries?
  2. 7. What is a sea floor mountain called?
  3. 9. The super continent that was on earth 280 million years ago, what is it called?
  4. 11. What rock type is the cooling of magma?
  5. 12. What is the destruction of the earth with shaking of the ground?
  6. 14. What rock type has all the rock layers cemented together?
  1. 1. What is a mountain like formation that has lava and gases spewing out?
  2. 2. What is the place where two plates meet?
  3. 4. What plate boundary moves towards each other?
  4. 5. What is it called the more dense plate goes under the less dense plate?
  5. 6. What plate boundary moves away from each other?
  6. 7. What is formed from convergent boundary's where two continental plates collide?
  7. 8. What causes widespread of volcanic activity?
  8. 10. What plate boundary has two plates sliding past each other.
  9. 13. What is the whole process called when one type of rock turns into another?