Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. the idea that the continents were once one giant super continent
  2. 3. Shaking of the ground
  3. 5. Two plates coming together
  4. 6. Two plates sliding past each other
  5. 7. A rock type formed from sediment
  6. 9. an opening in the earth's crust that erupts lava
  7. 10. the outermost layer of Earth
  8. 13. Two plates coming apart
  9. 14. solid iron and nickel
  1. 1. the hardest part in the earth's interior
  2. 4. formation of oceanic crust
  3. 5. heat transferring by the movement of liquid or gasses
  4. 8. a rock type changed by heat and pressure
  5. 11. a rock type made by cooled magma
  6. 12. liquid iron and nickel