Plate Tectonics

  1. 4. Which boundary is where plates are moving away from each other?
  2. 7. Which land form is created when 2 continental plates diverge?
  3. 8. Which layer of the earth contains the rigid part of the mantle and crust?
  4. 10. What is created from rocks eroding and weathering?
  5. 12. Which boundary is where plates are moving alongside each other?
  6. 14. Which boundary is where plates are moving towards each other?
  7. 15. Which layer do the plates ride on?
  1. 1. Where two plates meet
  2. 2. Which type of volcano is created when the lava is thin and runny?
  3. 3. What is created at transform boundaries
  4. 5. What material makes volcanic eruptions explosive?
  5. 6. Which type of rock can have fossils?
  6. 9. Which type of rock is created with high pressure and temperature?
  7. 11. Which land form is created underwater due to subduction?
  8. 13. Which type of rock is created when magma or lava cools down?