Plate Tectonics

  1. 4. When an oceanic and continental plate collide the denser plate ……..
  2. 6. A result of movement at a convergent boundary, eventually lava, ash, and gas escape from a magma chamber
  3. 7. The plate boundary where plates move away from each other.
  4. 9. When rock subducts, melts, and turns into magma, this is called …….
  5. 10. A common result of a strike-slip fault, shakes the earth’s surface.
  6. 11. Force that causes rock to break
  7. 12. Cracks in the Earth created when the plates move and build stress.
  8. 13. The cycling of hot and cold material in the earth’s mantle.
  9. 14. A depression on the sea floor made from a convergent boundary
  10. 16. An area beneath the surface where melted rock is moving up in a plume.
  11. 18. A feature that forms new material at the ocean floor.
  1. 1. These two people developed the theory of plate tectonics.
  2. 2. The plate boundary where plates move towards each other
  3. 3. …………………have been forming since the Earth was made, and continuously but slowly over time keep forming
  4. 5. The plate boundary where plates move side by side.
  5. 8. Crust is …………… at convergent plate boundaries.
  6. 9. Crust is ………………. at divergent boundaries.
  7. 15. The earth’s plates can slowly ………… and move over a long period of time, and create many landforms.
  8. 17. The supercontinent that formed 225 million years ago.