Plate Tectonics

  1. 5. when molten rock is heated up by the core and begins to rise (becoming less dense), then cooling down (becoming denser) and sinking, starting to create a circular cycle
  2. 7. What was the name of the super continent that was once made up of all the continents that are present today?
  3. 8. What is the process called when a rock is recycled through the Earth in multiple possible ways?
  1. 1. A ___ boundary causes a variety of land formations when two plates move in the same direction (into each other
  2. 2. ___ Igneous rock is cooled on the outer surface of the Earth
  3. 3. What happens to sedimentary rock when it is put under heat and pressure
  4. 4. A ___ boundary causes sea floor spreading when two plates move opposite directions (away from each other)
  5. 6. A ___ boundary causes faults and earthquakes when two plates move against each other