Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. Thinnest Layer
  2. 4. Plates colliding
  3. 5. Rigid layer on crust
  4. 6. Product of Convection Currents
  5. 8. Surrounds the inner core
  6. 9. Soft layer of the mantle
  7. 11. Plates separating
  8. 13. The denser crust
  9. 14. Thickest Layer
  10. 15. Used to track plate tectonic movement
  11. 16. Process to make magma and new land
  1. 1. The belief of a super continent
  2. 2. The less dense crust
  3. 3. Where to plates meet
  4. 7. Densest Layer
  5. 10. Happens in order to make magma
  6. 12. Plates Sliding