Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. long chains of mountains that rise up from the ocean floor.
  2. 6. is a mountain that forms in the earth's crust when molten material or magma reaches the surface.
  3. 9. plates dip past eachother.
  4. 12. deep underwater canyons.
  5. 13. plates come togther.
  6. 15. breaks in the earths crust which rocks slip past eachother
  7. 16. something that is broken into pieces are seperated by cracks.
  1. 1. is a molten mixture of rock-forming substances, gases, and water from the mantle.
  2. 3. plates move apart.
  3. 4. heat transfer by the movement of fluid.
  4. 5. the flow that transfers heat with a fluid.
  5. 7. when magma reaches the surface.
  6. 8. what Wagner called the supercontinent.
  7. 10. a major belt of volcanos.
  8. 11. heat transfer between materials that are touching.
  9. 14. The transfer of energy that is carried in rays like light.