Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. The location where two or more plates meet. (2 words, no spaces)
  2. 4. the movement of material caused by differences in temperature and density. (2 words, no spaces)
  3. 8. This occurs at divergent boundaries where new ocean floor is formed. (2 words, no spaces)
  4. 9. German scientist that developed the theory of continental drift. He did not have any proof for how it happened, but he had evidence of fossils and landforms being identical in different parts of the world. (2 words, no spaces)
  5. 11. a v-shaped valley formed at a subduction zone. (2 words, no spaces.
  6. 13. The location where oceanic crusts sinks beneath less dense continental crust. (2 words, no spaces)
  7. 14. The highly-active volcanic area around the Pacific Ocean where multiple plates meet. (3 words, no spaces)
  8. 15. the name of Alfred Wegener's hypothesized supercontinent.
  9. 16. when two tectonic plates move away from each other. (2 words, no spaces)
  10. 17. the landform that is created when two pieces of continental crust separate. (2 words, no spaces)
  1. 1. The layer of the earth that makes up the upper mantle and crust.
  2. 3. the scientific term used to explain how or why something occurs in the natural world.
  3. 4. when two plates move towards each other. (2 words, no spaces)
  4. 5. A break or crack in the Earth's plate.
  5. 6. the location where energy is released to cause an earthquake.
  6. 7. hot molten rock INSIDE the mantle
  7. 10. The theory developed by Alfred Wegener that states that Earth's plates were once one supercontinent and over thousands of years they broke apart into the continents we have today. (2 words, no spaces)
  8. 12. a trace of an ancient organism (plant or animal) that has been preserved in rock.