Plate Tectonics

  1. 5. The boundary between two plates that are sliding against each other
  2. 7. A mountain system on the seafloor; created by divergent boundaries
  3. 8. Pieces of the Earth in the lithosphere that float on top of the asthenosphere
  4. 9. The theory describing how the pieces of the lithosphere are drifting on the ocean; disproven by Henry Hess
  5. 11. A super continent from about 300 years ago that included most of the landmass on Earth
  6. 12. Tectonic plates that are under land masses on the surface
  7. 15. The amount of matter in the tectonic plates
  8. 17. When a lighter plate pushes the heavier plate under it and creates a convergent boundary
  9. 18. A tectonic plate that lies under Antartica and part of the surrounding ocean
  10. 20. A tectonic plate that lies under South America and all the way to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
  1. 1. The boundary between two plates that are diverging
  2. 2. The boundary between two plates that are converging
  3. 3. The theory describing how plates on the lithosphere are floating on top of the asthenosphere
  4. 4. The formation of new oceanic crust caused by magma and volcanic activity
  5. 6. A tectonic plate that lies under part of the Pacific Ocean
  6. 10. A tectonic plate that lies under North America, Greenland, Siberia, and part of the surrounding ocean
  7. 13. Tectonic plates that lie on the bottom of the ocean
  8. 14. A tectonic plate that lies under most of Europe and Asia
  9. 16. A tectonic plate that lies under most of the Pacific Ocean; made up of only oceanic crust
  10. 19. An area where earthquakes frequently occur; caused by a transform boundary