Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. plates there are 7 major plates and 8 _____
  2. 4. which layer of the earth is broken into pieces called tectonic plates
  3. 7. when the denser plate sinks below the other plate
  4. 9. A boundary that forms where two plate slide past each other
  5. 11. A boundary that forms where two plates move toward each other
  6. 12. A boundary that forms where two plate move away from each other
  7. 15. As a slab sinks, it pulls on the rest of the plate with a force
  8. 17. the circulation of material caused by differences in temperature and density
  9. 18. there are 7 _______ and 8 minor plates
  10. 19. Happens when a transform boundary takes place
  11. 20. what continent is on the Eurasian plate
  1. 1. the lithosphere is comprised of 15 of them
  2. 2. happens when a divergent boundary takes place
  3. 5. you will find he continent Asia on this plate
  4. 6. The continent on the Indo-Australian plate
  5. 8. form when a convergent boundary takes place
  6. 10. the lower mantle
  7. 13. rising mantle material at mid-ocean ridges creates the potential for plates to move away from the ridge
  8. 14. you will find Houston Texas on this plate
  9. 16. earth's surface is made of rigid slabs of rock, or plates, that move with respect to each other