Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. a tectonic plate covering most of North America
  2. 6. made from transform plate boundaries
  3. 8. a tectonic plate containing the continent of Antarctica
  4. 9. the crust and the uppermost mantle into a rigid layer
  5. 11. Forms when two plates separate
  6. 12. forms where 2 plates collide
  7. 14. the denser plate sinks below the other plate
  8. 16. made from convergent plate boundaries
  9. 17. forms where two plates slide past each other
  10. 19. Earths surface, made of rigid slabs of rocks or plates.
  1. 1. a tectonic plate which includes most of the continent of Eurasia
  2. 2. plastic layer in the mantle
  3. 4. a major tectonic plate in the eastern and, largely, southern hemispheres.
  4. 5. made of lithosphere and asthenosphere
  5. 7. formed by divergent plate boundaries
  6. 10. an oceanic tectonic plate that lies beneath the Pacific Ocean.
  7. 13. a major tectonic plate which includes the continent of South America
  8. 15. a major tectonic plate straddling the Equator as well as the prime meridian.
  9. 18. As a slab sinks, it pulls on the rest of the plate with a force
  10. 20. The least dense layer