Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. Two plates sliding agunst eachother.
  2. 5. Something moving
  3. 7. A mountin with lava inside.
  4. 10. Plates moving
  5. 11. Two plates pushing into eachother.
  6. 12. The thinnest layer of the earth.
  7. 14. Two plates seperating
  8. 15. Plate tectonics clashing together.
  9. 16. a place were volcano's gather.
  1. 1. A hard rock under the crust.
  2. 2. The shell of the inner core.
  3. 4. The middle of the earth.
  4. 6. Being tightly squeezed
  5. 8. Below the lithosphere.
  6. 9. Made of crust and upper part of mantle.
  7. 13. A big wave of water.