Plate Tectonics

  1. 4. split between 2 plates that used to be 1
  2. 7. weaker part of mantle, flows beneath the lithosphere
  3. 9. straight above the center/focus of an earthquake
  4. 11. type of plates that move towards each other
  5. 13. creates new seafloor and develops along well developed plate boundaries
  6. 14. amount of force to an area
  7. 15. type of plates that grind/slide past each other
  1. 1. area of the fracturing of rocks because of stress put on them
  2. 2. strong layer formed from the earths crust and uppermost mantle
  3. 3. the study of past direction and intensity of magnetic fields
  4. 5. Pangaea is breaking apart and the pieces are drifting to where they are now
  5. 6. when plates converge and one is pushed under the other
  6. 8. type of plates that move away from each other
  7. 10. boundary between plates
  8. 12. the result of a hypothesis, and idea