Plate tectonics

  1. 3. A deep depression in the ocean floor caused by the convergence of plates
  2. 4. a form of stress produced by the action of equal and opposite forces
  3. 8. One of two principal forms of tectonics, the other being orogenesis
  4. 9. Deals with the large feature of the lithosphere and the forces that fashion them
  5. 13. an abbreviation used by earth sciences, meaning "MILLION YEARS"
  6. 14. an area of historical geology devoted to studying the direction and intensity of magnetic fields in the past
  7. 17. the uppermost division of the solid earth
  8. 21. the theory that seafloor crack open along the crests of mid-ocean ridges
  9. 23. Hotter, weaker region in the mantle
  10. 24. a split between two bodies that were once joined
  1. 1. an area of fracturing between rocks resulting from stress
  2. 2. Sub marine mountain ridges where new seafloor is created by seafloor spreading
  3. 5. Large movable segments of the lithosphere
  4. 6. Plates move apart from each other, making oceanic crust
  5. 7. the center of earth
  6. 10. the theory that the configuration of Earth's continents was once different than it is today
  7. 11. Plates move toward each other, making mountains or volcanoes
  8. 12. in general terms, any attempt to deform a solid
  9. 13. the thick, dense layer of rock
  10. 15. the strong layer formed from the crust and uppermost mantle
  11. 16. Plates grind past each other without making or destroying crust
  12. 18. describing the phenomenon wherre certain materials are subject to a form of decay brought by radiation
  13. 19. One of two principals forms of tectonism, the other being epeirogenesis
  14. 20. a branch of the earth sciences that combines aspects of geology and physics
  15. 22. an area of rock that has been bent by stress