Plate Tectonics

  1. 4. Very very hot liquid.
  2. 8. When the plates move apart from each other.
  3. 10. It is the middle layer of the earth and it is made out of hot rocks.
  4. 12. When the plates move very close together.
  5. 14. Releasing gas that has been dissolved.
  6. 15. This is a solid nickel layer of the earth.
  1. 1. Partly melted rock under the surface
  2. 2. A person that studies the earth.
  3. 3. It is the movement of the earth. Also the name of the of this puzzle.
  4. 5. There are seven land masses on earth.
  5. 6. The person who confirmed Alfred Wigener’s theory.
  6. 7. It is a solid part of the earth. It is also called the geosphere.
  7. 9. It is in between the lithosphere and the upper mantle.
  8. 11. These make up the earth’s
  9. 13. A type of gas.