Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. change in the original shape of a material
  2. 4. the circum pacific belt
  3. 6. The crust closest to the core
  4. 7. Thinnest layer on Earth
  5. 9. the layer below the crust
  6. 10. someone who study's rocks
  7. 11. the center of the earth
  8. 13. Plate tectonics causing something
  9. 15. pains in rapid change of pressure
  1. 1. plates that cause all earthquakes
  2. 2. The study of rocks
  3. 5. waves of motion in something
  4. 8. something used to measure earthquakes
  5. 12. A zone of fractured plates
  6. 14. a zone that is dangerous