Plate Tectonics

  1. 5. something that is really hot.
  2. 6. something that moves toward each other.
  3. 7. rock something small ,round and holely .
  4. 10. crust lithasphere.
  5. 12. something that moves apart.
  6. 14. a huge wave.
  7. 15. something that erupts.
  1. 1. tall and ponity .
  2. 2. a subject in school.
  3. 3. to compare distence on a globe.
  4. 4. a plate that causes friction.
  5. 8. something that comes after earthquakes
  6. 9. plates make up the earths surface .
  7. 11. something you track earthquakes with.
  8. 13. when tectonic plates hit each other.