Plate Tectonics by Jackson Dronkers

  1. 2. slow, not as hot type of lava
  2. 6. figured out the continental drift theory
  3. 8. lava before it reaches the surface
  4. 9. outer layer of the earth
  5. 10. the middle layer of the earth
  6. 11. a chunk of volcanic rock that's formed when magma forces itself across rock layers
  7. 13. hot, fast moving lava
  8. 14. giant wave that can be caused by earthquakes
  1. 1. a fountain of water and steam that builds up pressure below the surface then erupts
  2. 3. earthquake after a larger earthquake
  3. 4. magma when it reaches the surface
  4. 5. opening where magma leaves a volcano
  5. 7. the piece of rock that forms makes up the lower half of a fault
  6. 9. inner layer of the earth
  7. 12. shaking that comes from beneath the earth's surface