Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. An area where oceanic crust is moving in opposite directions
  2. 4. Violent shaking of the ground
  3. 7. Fracture in the crust
  4. 9. The rising of hot, less dense material and sinking of cooler, denser material
  5. 10. Large crust section that moves as one piece
  6. 11. Molten rock that flows beneath Earth's surface.
  7. 13. Formation of mountains
  8. 15. When one plate sinks below another
  9. 16. Where two plates move apart
  1. 1. When material is added to a tectonic plate
  2. 2. Theory that explains how plates move
  3. 5. Where continental crust is moving in opposite directions
  4. 6. A brake in the crust through which magma escapes
  5. 8. Molten rock flowing on earths surface
  6. 12. Where two or more plates move toward each other
  7. 14. The place where two tectonic plates interact