Plate tectonics

  1. 2. a horse shaped area of volcanoes across the continents
  2. 3. the rock material which lies below the fault plane
  3. 6. the direction the hanging block wall moves in a normal fault
  4. 8. type of convergent boundary the Ring of fire is
  5. 10. the rock material which lies above the fault plane
  6. 14. when two plates move towards each other
  7. 16. type of convergent boundary left after the other questions
  8. 17. the plane along which the the rock or crustal material has fractured
  9. 18. a _______ is a break in Earth’s crust where slabs of crust slip past each other
  10. 19. created by shearing along transform boundaries
  11. 20. two plates sliding past each other
  1. 1. _________ are formed by divergent boundaries
  2. 4. type of convergent boundary that the Andes mountains is.
  3. 5. best known example of a divergent boundary
  4. 7. Earthquakes, Trenches,Mountains, and _________ are results of convergent boundaries
  5. 9. the direction the hanging block wall moves in a reverse fault
  6. 11. Caused by tension forces where plates diverge
  7. 12. ___________ is formed by transform Boundaries
  8. 13. Caused by compression forces along convergent plates boundaries
  9. 15. When two plates move away from each other