Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. A primary (compressional) earthquake wave that travels through the body of the earth, so named because it is the first wave to reach a seismograph station during an earthquake.
  2. 3. Plate Boundary- when two tectonic plates slide past each other in such a way that it does not result in a new landform
  3. 6. a powerful “river” of mud that forms when debris, such as ash from a volcanic eruption, moves into a stream or river.
  4. 8. Plate Boundary- when two continental plates collide causing their edges to crumple and uplift to form mountains.
  5. 9. A large, mobile segment of Earth’s lithosphere
  6. 10. Drift- the gradual movement of the continents across the earth’s surface through geological time.
  7. 13. Scale- the scale used to measure the magnitude (size and energy) of an earthquake
  8. 17. Catastrophic Event- a powerful and often dramatic force of nature that changes the earth’s surface and atmosphere.
  9. 19. Volcano- a volcano that forms from alternating eruptions of viscous lava and broken rock. It is steep near the summit (top) and flat toward the base.
  10. 22. Wave- An earthquake wave that travels on or near the surface of earth.
  11. 24. an instrument that detects, records, and measures the vibrations produced by an earthquake.
  12. 29. occurs when loosely packed, water logged sediments at or near the surface lose their strength in response to an earthquake.
  13. 30. the movement of a tectonic plate beneath another plate.
  14. 31. A fracture in bedrock, along which blocks of rock on opposite sides of the fracture move
  15. 32. The Earth’s innermost layers, consisting of a liquid iron outer layer and a solid iron-nickel inner layer
  16. 34. a deep gorge formed on the ocean floor when an oceanic plate moves beneath a continental plate.
  17. 35. describes objects that break easily when a force is applied to them.
  18. 43. A push or pull on an object.
  19. 44. a scientist who studies the history and structure of the earth as it is recorded in rocks
  20. 46. Mercalli Scale- the most common earthquake intensity scale used in the United States
  21. 47. springs that spout water and steam
  22. 51. Plate Boundary- the place where a continental plate splits and separates as molten rock flows to the surface.
  23. 53. a small, bowl-shaped hole that forms when rock explodes from a volcano during an eruption.
  24. 58. the cool, solid outer shell of the earth that consists of the crust and the ridged, uppermost part of the mantle and is broken into segments.
  25. 61. the shaking of the ground during an earthquake caused by seismic waves.
  26. 62. Rock- a solid earth material that forms when any rock type is changed by the earth’s high temperature and pressure
  27. 63. the layer of the mantle that lies directly below the lithosphere and flows like taffy
  28. 65. mudflow that occurs when rain falls through clouds of ash or when rivers become choked with falling volcanic debris.
  29. 66. the record made by a seismograph; the paper on which earthquake waves are recorded.
  30. 68. Igneous Rock- igneous rock that forms from magma cooling inside the earth
  31. 71. the earth’s outer layer, the coolest and least dense layer of the earth
  32. 73. to make something less severe, intense, or painful.
  33. 74. a naturally occurring mineral containing valuable elements for which it is mined and worked.
  34. 76. a series of sea waves caused by underwater earthquakes or, more rarely, by volcanoes.
  35. 78. Spot- a localized zone of melting in the mantle that is fixed under a plate.
  36. 79. Ridge- A mountain-like landform that develops when plates separate and new oceanic lithosphere forms.
  37. 80. a representation that is used to study objects, ideas, or systems that are too complex, distant, large, or small to study easily firsthand.
  38. 83. Ridge- A zone of intense earthquake and volcanic activity that runs down the middle of the Atlantic Ocean floor.
  39. 86. A scientist who study earthquakes
  40. 87. causing damage or injury
  41. 88. A secondary earthquake wave; so named because they travel slower than a primary wave and it is the second wave to reach the seismograph station after an earthquake. It travels through the body of the earth as a series of crests and troughs.
  42. 89. fragmented volcanic material with particles that measure less than 2mm in diameter.
  1. 1. the location where the rupture of an earthquake begins and energy is released.
  2. 2. Lava- balloonlike mounds that form when lava flows underwater or into the ocean
  3. 4. the measure of the total amount of energy release at the focus point of an earthquake.
  4. 5. Flow- lava that flows quickly over the surface of earth and covers a wide area.
  5. 7. a landform, usually cone-shaped, produced by a collection of erupted material around a vent, or opening, on the surface of the earth and through which gas and erupted materials pass.
  6. 9. made of hot fragments from volcanic material
  7. 11. A measure of the damage done by an earthquake, determined on the basis of the earthquake’s effect on people, structures, and the natural environment.
  8. 12. Spreading- the theory that states a force within the earth drives the ocean floor apart and allows new oceanic crust to form.
  9. 14. a traditional story of historical events that is created to understand the world from the view of the people and their beliefs.
  10. 15. Dome- a bulbous, steep-sided dome that forms at the top of a volcano when thick, relatively “cold” magma emerges from the volcanic opening.
  11. 16. an earthquake wave that follows the main shock of an earthquake.
  12. 18. blobs of hardened lava
  13. 20. Wave- A wave generated by earthquake vibrations
  14. 21. of Fire- A zone of intense earthquake and volcanic activity that encircles the Pacific Ocean basin; also called the circum-pacific belt.
  15. 23. Cycle- the process by which earth materials transform from one rock type into another
  16. 25. Seismographic Network- a permanent set of more than 150 sensors that are placed around the world to monitor seismic activity.
  17. 26. Tectonics- A theory that the lithosphere is broken into segments, or plates, that float on the asthenosphere, and that the interactions among these plates are associated with earthquakes and volcanic activity and form mid-ocean ridges, trenches, mountains, and chains of volcanic islands.
  18. 27. Cell- a circulating flow of air or water resulting from temperature differences; also called a convection current.
  19. 28. long cracks in the earth’s crust where lava gently erupts like a fountain
  20. 33. a large, steep-sided, circular or oval volcanic depression that forms when magma retreats or erupts from a shallow underground magma chamber; with no magma to support the ground above it, the overlying rock collapses.
  21. 36. Rock- a solid earth material that forms when magma or lava cools and crystallizes on or below the earth’s surface.
  22. 37. Igneous Rock- igneous rock formed by lava cooling on the surface of the earth
  23. 38. building up, beneficial
  24. 39. boundary- A place where pieces of the broken lithosphere meet.
  25. 40. a solid earth material made of various minerals.
  26. 41. Wave- An earthquake waves that travel through the body of earth rather than on its surface
  27. 42. the tendency to resist flowing; a property of liquids.
  28. 45. Rock- a solid earth material composed of compacted and cemented sediments or of particles of various sizes
  29. 48. the layer beneath the asthenosphere that is hot, convected, and on the move.
  30. 49. Time- The time it takes an earthquake wave to travel from the epicenter of a quake to a location on the earth.
  31. 50. the process by which heat moves efficiently through air or water.
  32. 52. the point on the surface of the earth directly above the focus point of an earthquake.
  33. 54. magma that has reached the surface of earth
  34. 55. Vibrations in the earth caused by the sudden release of, usually as a result of the movement of rocks along a fault.
  35. 56. describes objects that bend, stretch, or flow when a force is applied to them
  36. 57. hot, molten rock inside the earth.
  37. 59. rough surfaces on a fault line that wear down and become smooth when it ruptures repeatedly.
  38. 60. Time- the time between the arrival of P-waves and S-waves at a location where an earthquake occurs.
  39. 64. the study of volcanoes
  40. 67. a scientist who studies volcanoes and volcanic phenomena
  41. 69. Hazard- the probability a volcanic eruption will occur in a given geographic area within a specific window of time.
  42. 70. unit of force in the metric system
  43. 72. a naturally formed, inorganic solid composed of one or more elements
  44. 75. Fall- the ejection of volcanic materials into the atmosphere and the settling of these materials over a wide area of the surface of earth.
  45. 77. A force that opposes the motion of objects
  46. 81. Cone Volcano- a small, cone-shaped volcano made of broken rocks or cinders that accumulate around the volcanic vent.
  47. 82. Volcano- a wide, broadly sloping volcano that forms from runny lava. It is the largest type of volcano
  48. 84. a physical feature of the Earth’s surface, such as a mid-ocean ridge, a trench, or a mountain.
  49. 85. layers of ore between layers of rock