Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. two plates slide past each other
  2. 4. Most recent supercontinent
  3. 5. liquid iron/nickel; Earth's magnetic field
  4. 7. 2 plates meet;one crushed under the other
  5. 10. outermost shell of Earth's layers. Thinnest layer.
  6. 11. two plates move away from each other
  7. 12. magma upwells from underground
  8. 15. underwater ridge between major plates
  1. 1. Theory:Earth divided into moving plates
  2. 2. where two plates meet
  3. 6. hottest layer; dense ball of iron and nickel.
  4. 8. thickest layer of lava under Earth's crust
  5. 9. movement of plates on Earth's surface
  6. 13. Hot "semi fluid" below Earth's crust.
  7. 14. Large slabs of rock that divide Earth's crust.