Plate tectonics

  1. 1. when all the continents were once joined together
  2. 5. the number of stations required to locate and earthquake.
  3. 7. volcano with runny magma. Formed at hot spots and divergent boundaries
  4. 8. when one plate goes under another plate
  5. 10. Second type of wave to reach a seismic station.
  6. 11. Fastest Earthquake wave. First to reach a seismic station
  7. 12. when two plates go in the opposite direction
  8. 13. heat transfer process that takes place in the asthenosphere. The reason plates move.
  9. 15. Volcano found along the Ring of Fire
  10. 16. Fault found at strike-slip boundaries Example: San Andreas Fault.
  11. 17. Type of fault in a divergent plate boundary
  12. 19. an opening in the crust where lava and hot gases can erupt
  13. 22. second layer from the crust. Plastic-like
  14. 23. convergent plate boundaries produce along the ocean floor
  15. 24. the center of the Earth
  1. 2. Uppermost part of the mantle. Weaker region in the mantle
  2. 3. rigid layer of the uppermost mantle and crust
  3. 4. last name of person who developed continental drift theory
  4. 6. when two plates collide
  5. 8. the study of earthquakes
  6. 9. a plate made of basalt. Most dense
  7. 14. When two plates slide past each other
  8. 18. Type of fault found in a convergent boundary
  9. 20. a plate made of granite. Least dense
  10. 21. Ocean where the ring of fire is located