Plate tectonics

  1. 3. all Earth's mass that was said to be a supercontinent
  2. 7. spreading divergent boundaries on the ocean floor that fill with magma which cools into new oceanic crust
  3. 8. a sunken area created by the melting of one plate and the bending of the other at a subduction zone
  4. 11. boundaries plate boundaries where two plates
  5. 12. boundaries where two plates side past each other
  6. 14. caused by two tectonic plates sliding past each other
  1. 1. boundaries plate boundaries that occur where two plates move apart from each other
  2. 2. fractures or breaks in the Earth's crust that often occur along plate boundaries
  3. 4. together, causing one of the plates to sink into the mantle
  4. 5. the bending of rocks
  5. 6. currents currents that form deep in the Earth's interior and bring heated material upwards while pulling cooler material down towards the interior of the Earth.
  6. 9. the study of seismic waves caused by earthquakes when the tectonic plates collide or slip under each other, or rock inside the Earth breaks up
  7. 10. zone the area where one plate at a convergent boundary sinks into the mantle
  8. 13. Wegener the scientist who introduced the concept of of moving continents and the former supercontinent called Pangea