Plate tectonics

  1. 3. Gaint super Continent 200 million years ago means all earth
  2. 4. distance above sea level
  3. 9. break rocks into smaller pieces
  4. 10. Long crack on a surface where earthquakes usually occur
  5. 11. Thicker line marking every 5th contour line of a map
  6. 14. Different elevations between two adjacent contour lines of a topo map
  7. 15. Physical features of earths surface
  8. 16. Plates that are at the bottom of the ocean
  9. 17. remove or transport sediment
  10. 19. Formed by divergent boundaries, seafloor mountain
  11. 20. when two plates slide past each other
  12. 21. are moved and then dropped into a new place
  1. 1. Pattern of rock material located across he mid Atlantic
  2. 2. tectonic plates that lie under surface land mass
  3. 5. Plates moving away
  4. 6. photos and images from taken of earths from space
  5. 7. when a denser plate is pushed down
  6. 8. When two tectonic plates move toward each other
  7. 12. German meteorologist
  8. 13. Shape and elevation of the land using contour line
  9. 18. Lines on a map that connects points with the same elevation and show the shape of the land forms