Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. super continent All continents were one large landmass.
  2. 6. a solid sphere of nickel and iron at the center of the earth.
  3. 12. the portion of the earth's mantle just below the lithosphere, it flows like molten plastic.
  4. 13. a circulation of air in which material is heated and rises then cools and sinks.
  5. 15. large moving pieces of earths crust.
  1. 1. the theory that earth's continents move as pieces.
  2. 3. created in the ocean at a divergent boundary.
  3. 4. when one plate sinks below another into the mantle.
  4. 5. the solid, outer part of the earth. Includes the brittle upper portion of the mantle and the crust.
  5. 7. when 2 plates push or collide together.
  6. 8. when 2 plates move away from each other.
  7. 9. the layer of rock between the outer core and the crust. It is the thickest layer.
  8. 10. a boundary in which 2 plates scrape past each other.
  9. 11. a layer of molten metal that surrounds earth's inner core.
  10. 14. the thinnest layer of the earth's core above the mantle.