Plate Tectonics

  1. 1. This effects how uch something weighs with the same voume and surface area
  2. 3. What average americans have a lot of
  3. 5. pizza or maggie
  4. 10. The sinking of continents below sea level
  5. 11. one of the plate boundaries that creates crust
  6. 13. has riz
  7. 14. 0
  8. 15. Everybody SHOULD have this (not everyone has it)
  9. 17. Liquid flow that cirrculates and is affected by heat
  10. 18. The guy that is famous for a theory that then was used to make another thory by a different group of guys because the original theory didn't work
  11. 20. The theory that was based on the thory by Wegner.
  12. 21. korean
  13. 22. what americans don't have a lot of
  1. 1. what asians have
  2. 2. Something that americans like to eat by itself and usually comes in jars
  3. 4. Large rodent that swims
  4. 6. Plate boundary that neither desroys crust or generates crust
  5. 7. what americans don't have
  6. 8. The plate boundary that desroys crust
  7. 9. dissapointment\
  8. 12. Asian
  9. 13. The theory proposed by Allfred Wegner (V-e-gn-r)
  10. 16. healthier version than burger (the thing amercans eat a lot of)
  11. 19. Large rodent that issimilar to mouse