Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. lava that forms tubes,smooth and ropy
  2. 6. where geological feature is cut in half
  3. 7. most dangerous volcano
  4. 8. type of lava that erupts underwater
  5. 10. large but not steep volcano
  6. 12. plates that come towards each other
  7. 14. used to create first detailed ocean floor map
  8. 17. releasing bend,can form depressions
  9. 18. developed continental drift theory
  10. 19. zone where plates split apart
  1. 1. volcano,felsic to intermediate rock
  2. 2. less deadly type of eruption
  3. 4. 1959, used ridge patterns
  4. 5. compression added to shearing motion
  5. 6. study of magnetic fields frozen in rocks
  6. 9. most typical volcano
  7. 11. measure of strength of earthquake
  8. 13. more dangerous volcanic eruption
  9. 15. molten rock found within volcanic chambers
  10. 16. plates that spread away from each other