Plate Tectonics

  1. 4. The supercontinent proposed by Alfred Wegener
  2. 6. Found at transform boundaries
  3. 8. The movement in the Earth's mantle that's responsible for plate boundaries
  4. 9. How new ocean crust is formed
  5. 11. A boundary where plates move apart from each other
  6. 12. Formed when an oceanic plate subducts
  7. 13. The boundary where plates slide against each other
  8. 14. Formed when two continental crusts moves away from each other
  9. 15. A theory first proposed by Alfred Wegener
  1. 1. Formed when two oceanic plates diverge
  2. 2. Formed when two oceanic plates collide
  3. 3. The boundary where plates collide
  4. 5. Formed when a continental and oceanic plates collide
  5. 7. The first scientist who proposed the idea of tectonic plates
  6. 10. Formed when two continental crusts collide into each other