Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. a slowly flowing layer of solid and melted rock in the upper mantle
  2. 4. Type of plate boundary where two plates move apart, causing magma to rise from the mantle and fill the gap
  3. 10. Type of plate boundary where two plate slide laterally past each other
  4. 12. The origin point of an earthquake
  5. 13. ___________ zone: The place where one plate is getting bent and pulled under the edge of another plate
  6. 15. Mid-ocean _________: A raised area or mountain range under the oceans formed when magma fills the space between
  7. 16. __________ scale: A 1 to 10 scale used to indicate an earthquake's intensity
  8. 20. A supercontinent that existed 225 million years ago, where the continents were joined together
  1. 1. Natural disaster which occurs as a result of "slipping" at a transform boundary
  2. 3. Layer of the earth that is divided into plates which float on top of the other layers
  3. 5. ________ plate: a large piece of the lithosphere that floats and moves on the asthenosphere
  4. 6. A dropped zone where two plates are pulling apart
  5. 7. An instrument for measuring and recording the vibrations of earthquakes
  6. 8. Type of plate boundary where one plate slides under another when two plates are pushed together
  7. 9. The border between two plates
  8. 11. Molten rock that flows beneath the earth's surface
  9. 14. A long, narrow, deep area on the ocean floor that is formed at a convergent plate boundary
  10. 17. A massive ocean wave caused by a sudden shift on the ocean floor
  11. 18. A crack or fracture in Earth's crust where two tectonic plates meet
  12. 19. A transference of energy