Plate tectonics

  1. 5. lithosphere broken into sections that move
  2. 6. when all the continentals were one making a super continent
  3. 7. 1 continental and oceanic plates colliding
  4. 11. originator of continental drift hypothesis
  5. 14. When two plates collide or converge
  6. 15. divergent convergent and transform are know as
  7. 16. Plastic layer below the lithosphere
  8. 18. A place where folded and thrust faulted mountains form
  9. 19. crust and upper part of mantle
  10. 20. 2 continental plates colliding
  1. 1. where the less dense plate slides under the more dense plate
  2. 2. found below the continent
  3. 3. plates sliding past each other causing earthquakes
  4. 4. 2 oceanic plates colliding
  5. 8. heat rising and cooling causing it to sink and reheat again causing it to rise
  6. 9. found below the ocean
  7. 10. caused when 2 plates slide past each other
  8. 12. sea floor spreading
  9. 13. the movement of continents resulting from the motion of tectonic plates
  10. 17. 2 plates separating rifting valley or widening of ocean basins