Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. - are conical mountains with vents expelling lava, rocks, vapor, and gas from the Earth's crust.
  2. 3. - consist of aligned mountain ranges resulting from the same geological cause, typically orogeny.
  3. 5. - refer to mountains formed at the same time and through similar processes, arranged in narrow, long belts.
  4. 6. - theory explains how Earth's crust is composed of interacting plates, resulting in geological features like earthquakes, mountains, and volcanoes.
  5. 7. - is the ongoing process of actions taken before, during, and after disasters to reduce long-term risks to life and property, breaking the cycle of damage and repair in hazardous areas.
  6. 8. - is the point directly above the focus on the Earth's surface.
  1. 1. - are located at the edges of these lithospheric plates.
  2. 4. - are Earth's vibrations due to rapid energy release.