Plate tectonics

  1. 2. waves. Vibrations caused by release of energy during an earthquake
  2. 6. plates parts of the crust and uppermost mangle that move on the earth's surface
  3. 8. plate boundary where two tectonic plates collide
  4. 10. push new material pushes older material aside, causing tectonic plates to move apart
  5. 11. deep valleys in the ocean
  6. 14. Location in earth where an earthquake starts
  7. 16. of plate tectonics the theory of the lithosphere being broken up into different pieces
  8. 17. pull. Pulling of a tectonic plate due to gravity and subduction
  9. 18. plate boundary where two tectonic plates slide past each other
  10. 19. For earthquakes, a number that represents strength
  11. 20. convection. Current in the Mantle where cooler, denser material sinks and warmer less dense material rises
  1. 1. Point on earths surface above where an earthquake starts
  2. 3. Instrument that measure and record ground vibration
  3. 4. plate boundary where two tectonic plates move apart
  4. 5. Large break in rock
  5. 7. a destructive event that results from geological processes
  6. 9. ridges mountains along ocean
  7. 12. ground shaking energy when a break in the crust occurs
  8. 13. Opening in earth's surface where magma and other materials are released
  9. 15. floor spreading. Magma rising to create new oceanic plates