Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. Tectonic plates can move less than a ___________a day
  2. 3. Name of the biggest tectonic plate
  3. 5. The layer in which earthquakes are most likely to occur
  4. 7. The country where the largest earthquake occurred
  5. 8. This is caused when two tectonic plates collide with each other
  6. 9. The movement of tectonic plates causes ____________ and volcanoes
  7. 11. The plate tectonic theory was developed _________ years ago
  8. 14. Name of the supercontinent, 300 million years ago
  9. 16. The planet where the largest volcano is in the Solar System
  10. 17. Scotland is located on this tectonic plate
  11. 18. This action is when tectonic plates move into each other
  12. 19. Layer of the Earth that is closest to the Earth's core
  1. 1. This action is when tectonic plates move apart
  2. 2. Tectonic plate motion cause __________ to rise
  3. 4. The number of major tectonic plates
  4. 6. This action is when tectonic plates move against each other
  5. 10. The state where the largest volcano is located
  6. 12. The thickest layer of the Earth
  7. 13. Name of the smallest tectonic plate
  8. 15. Last name of the man who came up with the Theory of Continental Drift