Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. These form at divergent boundaries between oceanic crust.
  2. 6. These form at either convergent or divergent boundaries where magma breaches the surface.
  3. 7. These occur most often at transform boundaries, violently shaking the surface of the earth.
  4. 9. These form in deep in the ocean at convergent boundaries.
  5. 11. Alfred Wegener first came up with his idea for continental drift when he noticed that Africa and South America fit together like __________ pieces.
  6. 12. New _________ is formed at divergent boundaries when magma cools to become rock.
  7. 14. Which layer of the earth is broken into many plates.
  8. 15. One piece of evidence for plate tectonics is the distribution of different species ___________ across continents.
  9. 16. These ranges form on continental crust at convergent boundaries.
  10. 17. The plates move do to _____________ currents in the mantle.
  1. 1. The type of boundary where two plates are moving away from each other.
  2. 2. The type of boundary where two plates are moving towards each other.
  3. 3. The plates are constantly __________, about the speed that your fingernails grow.
  4. 4. The crust is broken into several large regions called __________.
  5. 5. In this layer, directly beneath the crust, the material moves do to convection.
  6. 8. The theory that the crust is broken into plates that are constantly moving.
  7. 10. When one plate slides under another plate it is called a ___________ zone.
  8. 13. The type of boundary where two plates slide past one another horizontally.