Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. type of current that causes movement of tectonic plates
  2. 5. huge pieces of rock that the lithosphere is broken into
  3. 6. underwater mountain range at a boundary
  4. 9. place where subduction occurs
  5. 11. boundary type where plates collide
  6. 13. ring around the Pacific Ocean with lots of volcanoes
  7. 14. all the land masses combined together
  8. 17. theory that explains how tectonic plates move
  9. 18. boundary type where plates scrape past each other
  10. 19. continents move just a few of these each year
  1. 1. one piece of crust is pushed under another
  2. 2. oceanic plates moving apart
  3. 4. layer containing the crust and top of the mantle
  4. 7. places where tectonic plates meet
  5. 8. hypothesis that the continents have slowly moved
  6. 10. fluid-like layer beneath the lithosphere
  7. 12. thinner but more dense type of crust
  8. 15. thicker but less dense type of crust
  9. 16. boundary type where plates move away from each other