plate tectonics

  1. 3. the part of the earth's surface directly above the starting point of an earthquake.
  2. 4. a graph output
  3. 6. In physics
  4. 8. secondary waves
  5. 10. an area of relatively level high ground
  6. 11. a measure of the strength of earthquakes
  7. 14. the reduction in volume
  8. 15. one in which one side of the fault, the hanging wall, moves up and over the other side, the foot wall
  9. 16. the block above the fault
  1. 1. The forces that cause deformation
  2. 2. Shallow earthquakes produce stronger surface waves
  3. 5. Measuring instrument
  4. 6. the place inside Earth's crust where an earthquake originates
  5. 7. the size or extent of something
  6. 9. a sudden and violent shaking of the ground
  7. 10. seismic waves
  8. 12. the built up stress
  9. 13. the deformation